Las 36 cámaras de Shaolin
Discípulos de la Cámara 36
Holy Flame of the Martial World
Brave Archer and His Mate
The Emperor and the Minister
Legendary Weapons of China
The Sword Stained with Royal Blood
The Emperor and His Brother
Los dos campeones del Shaolin
The Kid with the Golden Arm
The Spiritual Boxer Part II
The Deadly Breaking Sword
Swordsman and Enchantress
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 2
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
El grandioso hombre de Pekín (Goliathon)
Los vengadores de Shaolin
The Sentimental Swordsman
The Dream of the Red Chamber
Virgins of the Seven Seas
The Bamboo House of Dolls
Catorce amazonas (14 amazonas)
Confesiones íntimas de una cortesana china
Dos contra el gran asesino
El retorno del Espadachín Manco
The Land of Many Perfumes
The Cave of the Silken Web
Un ángel con puños de hierro
The Beautiful Carp Spirit
Between Tears and Laughter
The Magnificent Concubine