Reminiscencias de un viaje a Lituania
The North Sea (1973 - 1974)
Colophon (for the Arboretum Cycle)
A Proposal to Project in 4:3
Still Life Composition (an accompaniment for life)
Crépuscule aux Aresquiers
El Quilpo sueña cataratas
Never a Foot Too Far, Even
In the Shadow of Marcus Mountain
Bajo tu lámina de agujero profundo
Trees of Syntax, Leaves of Axis
A Child Goes Burying Dead Insects
Cronograma de un tiempo inexistente
Un vent leger dans le feuillage
El ángel amazónico. Un retrato de Lena Vandrey
At a Same Time, Exposed Both Sides
A Preponderance of Evidence
John Cage Performs James Joyce
Rushlight (Here Today Gone Tomorrow)
Cup/Saucer/Two Dancers/Radio
Portrait de ma mère dans son jardin
Walden: Diaries, Notes and Sketches
Scenes from Under Childhood #1